Writing Instruction

Have a grown as a writer? Yes. I have improved as a writer by experimenting with different writing formats/structures. I have written a variety of pieces consisting of: opinion pieces, personal stories, lesson plans, and more. Practice, practice, and more practice.

Did blogging make me better or worse? Better. Writing every week for this class, as well as when I took 307, really helped shape me into a better writer.

I need to improve as a writer by being more confident in my work. For previous writing classes I was always shy to share my pieces or blogs, now I feel a little less ‘weirded out’ about having people read what I write; yet I still have a ways to go.

For a 3rd grade student, I would insist they write outside their comfort zone. If they are comfortable with writing opinion pieces and personal stories, I would suggest they try writing a few different poem types.

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